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Keyboard shortcuts - Google Keyboard shorts - Previous date range, Next date range, Refresh, Jump to 'Today', Day Week Month Custom Agenda view, Create event, Event details, Delete event, Places your cursor in the google search box pane, Focus on 'Ad

Navigating around a calendar should be fast and easy. For those of you who like to type, we've provided keyboard shortcuts for most of the key functionality.

Shortcut Key




k or p

Previous date range

Moves your calendar view to the previous date range

j or n

Next date range

Moves your calendar view to the next date range



Refreshes your calendar


Jump to 'Today'

Moves you to the current day


1 or d

'Day' view

Displays your calendar in the 'Day' view

2 or w

'Week' view

Displays your calendar in the 'Week' view

3 or m

'Month' view

Displays your calendar in the 'Month' view

4 or x

'Custom' view

Displays your calendar in the 'Custom' view

5 or a

'Agenda' view

Displays your calendar in the 'Agenda' view



Create event

Allows you to create a new event


Event details

Allows you to view an event's details

Backspace or Delete

Delete event

Deletes the event

ctrl + z / command + z or z


Undo last action (if possible)




Places your cursor in the search box

shift += or +

Add a calendar

Focus on 'Add a calendar' text box under 'Other calendars'


Quick add

Opens "Quick Add"

ctrl + p or command + p


Prints the current view



Brings you to your Google Calendar settings page

ctrl + ? / command + ? or ?

Keyboard shortcuts menu

Brings up a menu of keyboard shortcuts


How to search in Google Calendar


Using the search function in Google Calendar is similar to searching on To search for events on your calendars, use the search box at the top of the page. For example, if you're looking for an event that contains the word 'swimming,' type [ swimming ] in the search field and click Search My Calendars. The search results will only contain events from calendars that are selected for viewing in your calendar list. (Calendars that are selected for viewing are highlighted by a colored bar. To select a calendar, simply click on the title in the calendar list.)

You can expand or refine your searches using Google Calendar search options. Just click Show Search Options (at the top of the page, next to the 'Search My Calendars' box), complete the appropriate fields, and press Enter.



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